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Faces of the globe.
This project is to draw faces around the world. There are as many cultures, lifestyles, and fashions as faces.

*The following list = countries that have already been uploaded will be indicated. This is just my personal interpretation of the expressions.
* I upload my progress and the details in my blog.


>South Sudan
>Ivory Coast
>South America

>United Kingdom

North America

South America


It’s been a while since the fight against the terrible monster called coronavirus started, but the battle is not over yet.
The coronavirus has raised human rights issues around the world, and in Japan we have maintained our dignity very peacefully with our unique culture and laws.
At the same time we have carefully walked the path of coexistence with the coronavirus, and I personally believe that this movement will not change in the future.

I am reminded of the fact that there are nearly 200 countries on the planet, with various cultures and people living in.

Countries and fashion in the world

I have been drawing illustrations for a long time from the perspective of fashion and the importance of each person’s story.
Now I am rediscovering again what fashion is, including the stories that each person has.

I have come across the explanation that fashion, when taken in a broad sense, is not only a fashion of clothing, but also a way of life and culture itself:

Fashion is unique, self-fulfilling and may be a part of someone’s identity. Just like art, fashion does not have to be liked by everyone, it is an expression of one’s tastes. ”
From wikipedia.(This page was last edited on 18 October 2021, at 19:57 (UTC).

The faces of people around the world are the essence of culture and life.

I realized that I have been looking for this approach for a long time,
and I wanted to incorporate the word “fashion” into my creation in a more real sense,
so I made this project to try to express the faces of people all over the world.

In this battle against the coronavirus, we experienced a time when we were cut off from communication.
Though I have visited only a few countries so far, I imagine the various cultures and lifestyles of each country, and hope that in the future there will be no filter of viruses, rights, persecution, or discrimination for the people of the world.

Fashion is about enjoying what you love.
Fashion is about spending precious time with the people you love, and truly feeling the meaning of life.

Let’s create fashion with confidence!
Let’s live in our own fashion!

Every time I finish a drawing, I feel connected to the world.And I believe that when I finish drawing faces from all of the countries on the globe, there may be some changes.

Behance: Illustrations faces of the globe

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